Hypothyroidism is a state where the thyroid glands cannot produce sufficient thyroid hormone. This is a fairly common condition, more often occurs in women than in men. The older you are, the more likely you can have this disease.
Thyroid hormones are extremely important since they play a significant role on metabolism. The typical signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism are muscle cramps, fatigue, depression, weight gain, constipation, cold intolerance, dry skin, and dry hair. In hypothyroidism, there is a drastic slow down in the metabolic rate , meaning every cell inside our body starts to grow slow, and even rapidly or constantly growing cells begin to retard in growth — including your hair.
Considering that the presentation of hypothyroidism can be similar to several hormonal diseases, there are specific blood tests to measure the level of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and T4 (Free Thyroxine) in the blood. The physician can provide you with a definitive diagnosis according to your presenting symptoms, medical history, and laboratory results.
One of the major concerns among those diagnosed with hypothyroidism is hair loss as this can severely affect your self-esteem. A thyroid problem can cause the follicles to remain in the resting phase of hair growth. This can occur for extended periods of time leading to deferred hair growth and eventually may cause you to lose hair. At times, hypothyroidism can make hair brittle, coarse, and dry. To make things worse, even some medications to fight hypothyroidism can cause hair loss.
If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and are concerned about losing hair, discuss with your physician on the best medications to treat your condition and minimise or control hair loss. Your doctor can also give you a combination of drugs to lessen the severity of adverse side effects.
For hair loss, you may consider alternative treatments like herbal or natural solutions instead of adding more medications to your regimen. One natural way to control excessive hair loss is using herbal solutions like green tea, saw palmetto, or vitamin B complex.
One good organic hair loss solution is Nisim Biofactors. The Nisim Shampoo is rich in B vitamins and infused with a unique blend of natural herbal extracts that maximises healthy hair growth. The Nisim Hair Stimulating Extract contains a mixture of herbs plus saw palmetto extract, known to help fight hair loss naturally.
For more hair loss solutions visit www.body4real.co.uk