Hair loss and baldness doesn’t normally concern teenagers as this is a problem affecting only adults. Even so, it is now becoming a lot more common to see teens having excessive hair fall or hair loss.
Losing hair while in your teens can be caused by several reasons . To treat hair loss effectively, it is very important to determine which is causing the hair loss.
The most common causes for teenage hair loss are alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, tinea capitis, trichotillomania, and traction alopecia. Other causes might be chemotherapy treatment, hormonal problems, medications, crash diets, and severe illness.
Alopecia areata also called spot baldness as it involves hair loss on certain parts of the scalp only. You will sometimes notice small areas of hair loss on your scalp, usually circular in shape. If a member of your family has experienced alopecia areata, then you’re more vulnerable to the condition since it is hereditary. Hair loss often grows back even without treatment but it will take quite a while.
Telogen effluvium is oftentimes caused by stress, illness, or eating disorders. Unlike alopecia areata, this is massive hair loss that is diffusely scattered on the scalp. You will notice that you are losing considerable amounts of hair. This happens when most of your hair goes into the resting phase and hair shedding is greater than normal. This usually lasts anywhere from one month to six months, and sometimes even longer.
Tinea capitis is also called ‘ringworm of the scalp’. The patchy hair loss is due to a fungal infection of the scalp and it is infectious. You will see scaling, inflammation, and itching around the areas affected. This has to be treated immediately with antifungal medications, usually a combination of oral medicines like griseofulvin and a medicated shampoo with ketoconazole or selenium sulfide.
Trichotillomania is hair loss caused by a psychological condition wherein you’ve got a repeated urge to pull out hair, usually hair on the scalp causing baldness. It is more often seen in girls than in boys and is difficult to control. Diagnosing trichotillomania is often difficult since the patient denies compulsive hair pulling and will disguise the symptoms to avoid discovery. Evaluation with a psychiatrist or a psychologist should be done if trichotillomania is highly suspected.
Traction alopecia is gradual hair loss usually seen in girls who pull their hair too tightly in a ponytail or a bun. In boys, traction alopecia can result from regular wearing of hats, baseball caps, or helmets. The hair loss can be controlled by stopping the use of restricting head gear and avoiding tight hairstyles. However, it should be dealt with as soon as possible as it may lead to permanent hair loss leading to baldness on the affected areas of the scalp.
Teenage hair loss can be treated easily if diagnosed early. As most of the causes are temporary, they can be managed easily. Once the cause is known and the treatment/management is done, lessen the psychological stress of teen baldness by reducing further hair loss. Nisim Biofactors is an excellent product for teens as it is not drug-based and contains only herbal extracts to fight hair loss. Nisim Shampoo can control excessive hair loss within a week while the Nisim Conditioner further nourish and prevent hair dryness. For teenagers with severe hair loss or bald spots, Nisim Hair Stimulating Extract can be applied twice daily in conjunction with the use of Nisim Shampoo to maximise the natural growth cycle of the hair.
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