The Causes And Cures Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair is considered an important beauty asset of a woman and loosing it could be the greatest of all worries she can have. Loosing hair is one of the most common problems encountered by both genders. However, loosing them to an extent of baldness is acceptable in case of males, but in females it’s no less than a trauma for her as well people viewing her! For any lady her hair styles are a major dressing at any special occasion or party! No matter if they are short or long!

There could be many reasons of hair loss and the most important and unnoticed are anxiety, depression and conception. If one of these issues present in your life and you are facing hair fall problem, be sure of the most probable reason. Never the less imbalanced diet (lacking proteins & Vit B6) also plays an important role in hair loss. Whatever be the issue of hair loss, the reason is one and that’s DHT. DHT causes thinning of the hair invariably.

The main reason identified for hair loss in both males and females is a chemical compound, DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is a natural metabolite in a human body. There can be many secondary reasons for hair loss, but the basic one is DHT. Following are the reasons and symptoms that cause hair loss in women-

Medicines in high dose: Another factor responsible for hair loss is the consumption of high potency medicines regularly or very often. These medicines imbalances thyroid production hence, leading to the hair fall problem. Some people have to procure large amount of medicines daily according to their doctor’s prescription, which again causes increased hair fall.

Lack of protein and vitamins: Other important and common reason of hair fall in most of the women is their ignorance towards balanced diet. Most of the women are found to be interested in eating junk and fast food’s as, they usually love eating! But these fast foods are mostly not balanced diet and lacks protein and vitamins which are essential nutrients for keeping our hair healthy and strong. In case you are anemic and not interested in eating simple and nutritional food the only option left with you is taking tablets containing proteins and vitamins, thereby, fulfilling body’s requirement for healthy hair.

Contrary to the above-mentioned fact, there’s Without Prescription online cheap Ampicillin a different cadre or section of conscious or over conscious women, who avoid eating for the sake of maintaining their body figures and would hardly eat anything in the whole day. Such women must not avoid eating food, but they just need to learn about good, healthy and low calorie recipes.

Everyone is aware of the habits of a woman. Psychologically females are extremely conscious about their weight, health and figure. All these force her to go on dieting or consume less food which ultimately leads to deficiency of minerals and nourishment. Girls avoid nutritious food just for the weight gain issue and this makes them deficient in vitamins and proteins. Apart from avoiding food, girls are more prone to stress, which is the result of weight loss plans. If a girl is gaining weight, she will be in stress, which is an important reason of hair fall. Avoidance of such psychological myths can overcome many problems for girls and mainly the hair loss issue.

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