Do You Think You're Losing Hair?

Hair loss is the one thing men fear of when they come of age, but what if hair loss comes early in life? A good example is pop star hit maker Ne-Yo who started experiencing hair loss at an early age of 13. He said that early hair loss runs in the family and he started wearing hats to hide his thinning hair. Then at one point he got really confident with the way he is – being bald – but the hat stayed because it was already part of his image.

Hair loss really can be a problem especially at a young age but if you accept who you really are, you will never know, you could possibly even look better with a dome.

Now “>where to buy nolvadex online removing all that unwanted hair is easy – if you got the proper gear. Obviously, you’ll mostly pick up a razor to shave out all your hair. Hey, it’s used to shave off hair right? Yes, that’s true, but regular disposable razors are made to shave your face and other body hair and shaving your head needs a little bit of skill especially at the back, which is your “blind side” so to speak. You’ll need two sets of mirrors to see everything what you’re shaving.

Now if you’re looking for something that is specially made for head shaving then HeadBlade is the product for you. The HeadBlade was invented by Todd Green who was a frustrated head shaver who uses disposable razors to shave his head. He says that the blades are fine but the handle isn’t right for head shaving. So he made a head shaving device that has no handle but uses disposable razor heads. Instead of a handle, Todd replaced it with a ring that fits in the middle finger of your hand so that you can “feel” what you’re shaving.

Eventually, when you finally get the “feel”, you can shave even without the use of a mirror and just do it by touch.

For more hair loss solutions visit

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